Chinwag with The Horsemen
Discussion between lifelong friends talking about current events, our lives, and stories from the past. The Horsemen also discuss movies, video games, and professional wrestling among other things.
Chinwag with The Horsemen
The "Worst" Episode Ever
Andrew, Abarry, James, and Casey
Season 2
Episode 3
It’s time for another Chinwag with the Horsemen…this time around it appears the Horseman have forgotten to take their medication because they are a little more off the rails than normal. The Horsemen discuss if the real world or the matrix would be better to live in, being reincarnated as a Voltron monkey, the horrible life people must live in the Mushroom Kingdom of the Mario video game series. Later the craziness continues in the fan favorite segment Heart Kid Vs…So sit back, buckle up and enjoy the insanity.
Email The Horsemen: chinwagwithhorsemen@gmail.com
Watch The Horsemen: youtube.com/@chinwagwiththehorsemen
Tweet The Horsemen: @ChinwagHorsemen