Chinwag with The Horsemen
Discussion between lifelong friends talking about current events, our lives, and stories from the past. The Horsemen also discuss movies, video games, and professional wrestling among other things.
Chinwag with The Horsemen
Tennessee Time Loop
Andrew, Abarry, James, and Casey
Season 2
Episode 5
It’s Chinwag time once again...This time around the Horsemen are fresh off the Crockett Cup and ready to give their review…wait the Crockett Cup was a month ago, what do you mean the Horsemen were stuck inside a time loop? Oh well, on with the chinwag. During this Chinwag the Horsemen talk about a duck’s family tree and childhood cartoons. Later the Horsemen finally recap the Crockett Cup and debate even more wrestling stuff.
Email The Horsemen: chinwagwithhorsemen@gmail.com
Watch The Horsemen: youtube.com/@chinwagwiththehorsemen
Tweet The Horsemen: @ChinwagHorsemen