Chinwag with The Horsemen
Discussion between lifelong friends talking about current events, our lives, and stories from the past. The Horsemen also discuss movies, video games, and professional wrestling among other things.
Chinwag with The Horsemen
Two Battles, One Heart
Andrew, Abarry, James, and Casey
Season 3
Episode 10
Chinwag time once again our friends, this time around the Horsemen discuss the better movie trilogy and favorite breakfast cereal. Later the Horsemen hold two battles for the heroic Heart Kid with some surprising results. The Horsemen also talk about the greatest year for movies...So sit back and enjoy the rambling nonsense that is Chinwag with the Horsemen.
Email The Horsemen: chinwagwithhorsemen@gmail.com
Watch The Horsemen: youtube.com/@chinwagwiththehorsemen
Tweet The Horsemen: @ChinwagHorsemen